Haein is a pretty girl from girl group Laboum.

She is a member of the five-member girl group Laboum, and serves as a sub vocalist and lead dancer.
She is the lead dancer of Laboum, a dance line with Zien. And her vocal skills are not bad and she is mainly responsible for the killing part with a soft voice. Her parts used to be small, but now she seems to have improved enough to be in charge of the chorus.

She is in charge of 'kki' in the team. Maybe that's why I often wink on stage. The figure is very pretty. You can see her in gifs.

She has big round eyes and a cute, cute, sexy face. She has a lot of facial expressions and good expression, so her facial expressions and reactions on the stage and on the air are great attractions. Maybe that's why fans say her fan service is the best.

She has a grown-up side, a calm, soft-spoken side. She also has a unique voice and voice, so she is easily distinguished from other members when singing, so she often plays the key lyrics.