Sakura Miyawaki is a member of IZ*ONE, a first-generation HKT48 student and active girl group in South Korea and Japan.

She was virtually the center of Team A since Haruka Shimazaki graduated, and was also expected to be the next AKB48 group center. In fact, she took center stage in the 10th anniversary single of AKB48 and has been starring in AKB Group dramas since Majiska Academy 4. In addition, she once said, "Miyawaki Sakura, Post-Maeda Atsukoin" at the Majisuka Academy, a drama that reflects AKB48's situation or each member's character. As such, she was expected to run as a next-generation member.

And now she is currently active in Korean girl group IZ*ONE after Produce 48, and to that end, her previous team, HKT48 Team KIV, will be suspended until 2021.

Now she is active as a member of IZ*ONE.

In the case of her vocals, she was still lacking as a vocalist due to her unstable vocalization, often showing her voice shaking using her unique Japanese nasal voice in the early days of her debut.
But now she has improved her pronunciation and lost a lot of nasal sounds since IZ*ONE's Piesta activities. In particular, she was the first rapper in Piesta and received great acclaim for her improved pronunciation. Recently, she has been undergoing vocal training in earnest, which has led her to receive great acclaim for her improved vocalization and pronunciation.

She is one of the members in charge of the visuals of IZ*ONE. When she first appeared on Produce 48, she was so pretty that Korean trainees admired Sakura.

Sakura Miyawaki was considered one of the most handsome men of the 48th Infantry Division even during her Japanese career. When she was first introduced to the Korean media, she was introduced as the representative visual of HKT48.

In particular, she is a cat with a rare cold, urban feel among IZ*ONE members. And she has really big eyes. In fact, many people said that fans who saw Sakura at fan signing events were amazed at how big and pretty her eyes were.

Lastly, Sakura Miyawaki is the girl who really cares about IZ*ONE members.
She usually expresses her affection for the members of IZ*ONE. She complimented the members at the beginning of the show, but whenever she introduced the members on various TV shows, she complimented them without any interruption.

That's how wonderful her story is.